Welcome to Career Visions!
Since 1993, the Career Visions Program has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to bringing practical career exploration and workforce preparation services to youth with disabilities in the Santa Clarita Valley. Serving thousands annually, the program offers access to a highly trained team of professionals dedicated to helping youth to explore and gain confidence in the workplace.
For students with special education needs, the process often begins with the educational planning team identifying a particular career development or vocational exploration goal in the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting once the student reaches junior high school. Program services are initiated with the completion and subsequent submission of a Career Visions Program Application to one of thirteen active Career Transition Advisors (CTAs) located throughout the District. Upon verification of eligibility, program participants are given a variety of interest assessments and workforce preparation training services, while gaining access to exciting career development opportunities including: immersive vocational exploration trips, job shadows, concurrent enrollment at local occupational centers, and subsidized work training. Career Visions currently offers workforce preparation services via the following funding source collaborations:
WorkAbility-I Middle School & High School (WA-I): Funded through the California Department of Education, this program provides an array of immersive career exploration activities for both students and teachers. By way of an Orientation Presentation given by Career Visions staff (Career Transition Advisors) each year, students and teachers have the opportunity to sign up to potentially participate in such career-related activities as: Heads-up on Horseback , guest speakers, career-site field exploration, Adventures in Business, and On-the-Job Training. Students are prepared through pre-employment and work maturity training. Student portfolios and information are available to teachers, as needed and upon request, for use in planning and IEPs/ITPs.
Transition Partnership Program (TPP): A collaborative agreement with the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), this program takes students who are within two years of exit from high school, and who meet Department of Rehabilitation criteria, and provides a “head start” for services with the DOR. These services can include a Hart District TPP curriculum and class, field exploration, guest speakers, career guidance and potential funding for post high school employment training. Students who are approaching two years from exit, and appear to meet DOR criteria, are pre-screened and given a joint recommendation for this program by DOR, Career Visions, and school staff.
Since 1993, the Career Visions Program has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to bringing practical career exploration and workforce preparation services to youth with disabilities in the Santa Clarita Valley. Serving thousands annually, the program offers access to a highly trained team of professionals dedicated to helping youth to explore and gain confidence in the workplace.
For students with special education needs, the process often begins with the educational planning team identifying a particular career development or vocational exploration goal in the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting once the student reaches junior high school. Program services are initiated with the completion and subsequent submission of a Career Visions Program Application to one of thirteen active Career Transition Advisors (CTAs) located throughout the District. Upon verification of eligibility, program participants are given a variety of interest assessments and workforce preparation training services, while gaining access to exciting career development opportunities including: immersive vocational exploration trips, job shadows, concurrent enrollment at local occupational centers, and subsidized work training. Career Visions currently offers workforce preparation services via the following funding source collaborations:
WorkAbility-I Middle School & High School (WA-I): Funded through the California Department of Education, this program provides an array of immersive career exploration activities for both students and teachers. By way of an Orientation Presentation given by Career Visions staff (Career Transition Advisors) each year, students and teachers have the opportunity to sign up to potentially participate in such career-related activities as: Heads-up on Horseback , guest speakers, career-site field exploration, Adventures in Business, and On-the-Job Training. Students are prepared through pre-employment and work maturity training. Student portfolios and information are available to teachers, as needed and upon request, for use in planning and IEPs/ITPs.
Transition Partnership Program (TPP): A collaborative agreement with the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), this program takes students who are within two years of exit from high school, and who meet Department of Rehabilitation criteria, and provides a “head start” for services with the DOR. These services can include a Hart District TPP curriculum and class, field exploration, guest speakers, career guidance and potential funding for post high school employment training. Students who are approaching two years from exit, and appear to meet DOR criteria, are pre-screened and given a joint recommendation for this program by DOR, Career Visions, and school staff.